
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dieting Revealed - Lose 30 Pounds Quickly

Mental mind pictures spring into our head when we think of our ideal life scenario. Maybe we see a more prestigious home or a stylish vehicle in our mind’s eye. Nearly every one of us will picture ourselves as slimmer and more attractive, with stylish clothes to wear.

Dreaming of these things tells us what we’d love to have in the next few years - which is a good way to fire up a goal plan. If we don’t have an idea of how things will be when we’ve made it, the chances are we’ll never get there.

However, we have to be prepared to make some changes, prior to having all these brilliant things. As Albert Einstein said, “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.” And so, continue doing what you’re doing right now, and you’ll continue having what you’ve always had.

We need to not only massively change the way we do things, but also massively change the way we think. Only then will we make big steps forward in what we have. Not a big revelation then to realise that a smidgen of exertion will be needed to get the things we want to have. It’s a basic law of life that we have to give in order to receive. Though effort alone won’t inevitably bring results.

To realise the things we want in our lives, we have to behave in a manner that suggests our goals are a done deal! If the objective is to drop four dress sizes in twelve months, then for a time we have to prioritise an exercise routine and pay attention to what we eat.

Hanging out with friends comes after the work-out’s been completed. There will be time for enjoyment when the task is accomplished in the achiever’s mind-set. The right attitude to doing what it takes will reap the rewards that much quicker.

Success can’t come by itself. We’ll get knocks along the way, so a strong mental stance is paramount.

We can associate with winning attitudes by reading, watching films and interviews of others who’ve overcome adversities on their road to victory. A common philosophy seems to be apparent each time - their beliefs and attitudes were strong from the start. So the formula is apparent - to have what we want, and relish the tasks we need to do, we must first embrace who we have to be.

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